Friday the 23rd of February 2018
Anchor Report/ Introduction-
And now over to Trinity Bale and her special feature on Mental illness in Teenagers.
According to a recent report 1 in 4 people with suffer from some kind of mental illness each year, which may seem like a large amount, however there are over 200 classified mental illness'. And one of the most renowned ages that seems to suffer from mental illness are teenagers. according to a recent study, out of 30,000 students aged 14-15, one in 3 girls suffered from anxiety or depression. It had also been noted that the rate of anxiety and depression in males had dropped since 2005. The reason why teenagers may suffer from such mental illnesses as anxiety and depression, which may be due to the pressures of everyday life and exams, as well as drama from peers and friends. However, with teenagers suffering from mental illnesses comes the problem of distinguishing it from normal teenage behaviour. That's why it's always best to speak to someone if you ever feel like you may be suffering from a mental illness. And now here is ____, a professional therapist with knowledge of mental illnesses in teenagers.
Another reason teenagers may begin to suffer from mental illnesses could be from pressures online as the ideal figures of girls and boys are constantly being shared and liked as well as broadcasted straight to a teenager's homepage. And now here is an interview with ___, a teenager suffering from ____.
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