~Film Promotion~

Friday the 20th of April 2018
The Lego Movie: Industry Research
L/O: To research the process, companies and regulators behind the film industry

1) In order for a film to be produced, this list must happen : 

For the actual making of the film the image below is an accurate representation: :
    Image result for film, production process
    They then have to distribute the money made by the film:

  • They create an outline and use it to promote interest in the idea.
  • A studio or independent investor decides to purchase rights to the film.
  • People are brought together to make the film (screenwriter, producer, director, cast, crew).
  • The film is completed and sent to the studio.
  • The studio makes a licensing agreement with a distribution company.
  • The distribution company determines how many copies (prints) of the film to make.
  • The distribution company shows the movie (screening) to prospective buyers representing the theaters.
  • The buyers negotiate with the distribution company on which movies they wish to lease and the terms of the lease agreement.
  • The prints are sent to the theaters a few days before the opening day.
  • The theater shows the movie for a specified number of weeks (engagement).
  • You buy a ticket and watch the movie.
  • At the end of the engagement, the theater sends the print back to the distribution company and makes payment on the lease agreement.

2) media conglomeratemedia group, or media institution is a company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet. Example: Disney

3) The so called Big 6 in media and film are known as:

  1. Warner
  2. Disney
  3. Sony
  4. Paramount
  5. Universal
  6. 20th Century Fox
4) The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) regulates films in the uk which means gives them an age rating etc.

5) Warner brothers and Lego System A/S produced the Lego Movie.

6) The producers of the Lego Movie are Dan Lin and Roy Lee.

7) The directors of the Lego Movie was Phill Lord and Christopher Muller.

8) The Lego Movie was funded by Warner brothers and the other production companies. 

9) The distribution of the Lego movie was mostly Warner Brothers.


Friday the 27th of April 2018
The lego Movie: Intertextuality
L/O: To explore the intertextuality in the Lego Movie

The plot:
The story in the lego movie is about Emmet, a construction worker who always goes by the books he reads on how to live his life. He is a very normal person who seems to be almost exactly like the rest with one difference; it is clear that he doesn't have many friends. One day after work he finds a strange item that sticks itself to his back. He wakes up later to find he has been taken in and that this item is one of the most powerful things in the universe that can stop something known as the Kragle. After being freed he goes on a mini adventure with Wildstyle, a girl who was looking for the piece and Virtruvus who says he will train Emmet into becoming a master builder. After meeting up with other master builders they come up with a plan to try and save the world with the piece of resistance but almost fail until Emmet sacrifices himself and wakes up in the real world, where it turns out the while story was made up by a child who wanted to go against of this dad's strict ways. He manages to escape the real world and comes back in the lego world as a master builder and in turn helps save the world. The movie ends with a cliffhanger after the father says the boy's sister can play now too with him and some strange alien like duple creations appear in the lego world.

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Emmet is a construction worker who lives in Bricksburg and seems to live alone, he has no redeeming qualities or anything that makes him special.

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 Wildstyle is a master builder who seems to be very well trained in martial arts as shown in fighting scenes in the movie, throughout the film's beginning she mentions that she is in a relationship and that it is 'super serious'. She wanted to be the 'special' which is the person who would save the world.

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Vitruvius is the trainer of Wildstyle and helps to train Emmet throughout the film, he became blind after speaking to Lord Business about the so called prophecy that exists. He seems to be perhaps one of the main leaders towards the master builders.

Lord Business:
Lord business is the Lego version of the young boy's father who wants to control everything and glue the people in place so that everything can be perfect.
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The story's main theme is that everyone is special and that teamwork is very important and also that everyone can be creative and imaginative. Being individual is very important is also another key theme in the film.

There are lots of Warner bro's characters in the film such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Dumbledore, Gandalf, Greenlantern and Superman. There are also lots of Lego products in the film such as: the pirates play set, cloud Coocoo land, The lego city playset and much more!!!!

Post Modernism:
Post Modern films use a lot of intertextuality, they often challenge genre conventions such as including more then one genre (The Lego movie is a little romantic Comedic and filled with Action and more). It may challenge typical character roles such as Wildstyle who saves Emmet and is much stronger than him in the beginning. It imitates other texts as well such as the lego movie using the Matrix as a reference or taking the mick out of society. It makes the audience aware that it is a movie. 
'Postmodernism questions what is real and what is absolute.'-Palmer 2014.

Propp's spheres of action
Vladimir Propp says that characters take up the role of narrative 'spheres of action'. He identified different character roles necessary to make up a narrative....
Image result for propps character types
The table below is my opinion on who is each Propp's sphere in the Lego movie:

Wednesday the 9th of May 2018
Finishing work

Friday the 18th of May 2018
The Lego Movie: Intertextuality Continued 
L/O: To explore the intertextuality of the Lego Movie

Both the matrix and the lego movie are mainly set in a city.

Emmet and Neo are both regular people working in corporate jobs(Emmet works as a builder and Neo as a office worker) but they turn out to be the chosen ones. 
Trinity and Wildstyle are both the girls who fight alongside the main character and end up falling in love with them.
Vitruvius and Morphious both are the wise men who look after Wildstyle and Trinity and help free Emmet and Neo from their usual world.

Running themes is that the main character supposedly 'dies' but then comes back and is more knowledgable and powerful than before. Think for yourself is the main theme that both of the stories share.


Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the intertextual relationship between the Matrix the Lego movie.

  • Since the Matrix was a success, the directors of the Lego movie  knew that this film would be a success too. Also, the parents who may go to see this film might have seen the matrix so would like the film.
  • The directors of the Lego movie have something to go off of.

  • People may think that the Lego movie is a copycat.

Wednesday the 23rd of May 2018

The audience that are targeted in this movie are cinema goers, young children and parents.

Ways of promoting a movie include:
Movie trailers online and on TV
Movie clips
Social media

Synergy is when one product is used to sell another and vice versa.

Before the movie was released, some merchandise for the movie was being sold. This includes:

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Lego minifigures

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Lego sets

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Friday the 8th of June 2018
The Lego Movie:
TV Advertising
L/O:To evaluate the methods used to market The Lego Movie; to link the methods to the target audience.

In Dancing on Ice at 7.27pm on Sunday 9th February 2014 - five days before the movie launched - ITV broadcast a world first, an ad break made entirely out of LEGO....

The adverts they transformed were:
-British heart foundation
-BT infinity
-Premier inn

At the same time that the ad break was aired, they released the whole thing on youtube hoping that people who hadn't seen the ad break would find it and be able to join in on the conversation. Whilst this was going on, all the brands involved got together to have a block party on social media. Almost six million saw the ad break live and an extra 1.1 million saw the ad break on youtube in one week..

Explain how the LEGO Movie broke binderies with branded marketing; how it targeted the different sections of their target audience; and wether it was successful or not.

I believe that the lego movie broke boundaries with how it branded the film. I think this because the way that they decided to go about advertising the movie was creative and unique and had not been done before in the film industry. It captivated audiences and because of this the lego movie deserves the award it got as the top movie of the year in 2014. The way it did this was by turning an entire ad break in-between dancing on ice into a lego extravaganza.
The adverts that lego decided to recreate were: The British heart foundation, confused.com, BT infinity and premier inn. All of the adverts that they recreated had been out around that time and each one was directed to a different part of the family, helping them to lure them into seeing the film when it came out on the 14th of February.

The first advert that was shown was the British heart foundations advert which was addressed to adults who may find themselves in a situation where they might need to perform CPR. The main person in this advert was Vinnie Jones who most adults would know of, so seeing a lego recreation of him probably would have peaked their interest. The second advert that was shown was the confused.com advert which was directed at teenagers who had just bought a car, however, Brian, the robot in the advert was targeted at younger children who might find the way he speaks funny. Teenagers watching this advert may connect to the teenagers in the advert which will help to lure them in and younger children watching this advert may find it really exciting to see Brian made of lego. The third advert was the BT advert which addressed young adults and home owners. The camera work in this recreation and the others was amazing and the attention to detail was immaculate. Almost every person in these lego adverts looks almost exactly how they did in the original advert. Finally, the last film was the premier inn advert with Lenny Henry. This advert was targeted towards adults and at the time there was a lot of premier inn adverts on television. I think the adults might have found this advert slightly humorous as they probably would have seen this advert around 20 times in the past week. This may make them want to talk about the advert with their friends/family members, saying that maybe they should go and see the film.

I believe that this way of advertising was incredibly successful for Warner Brothers and Time Warner as a company.

The Video Game
L/O: To explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using uses and gratification theory.

Some films that have have video games based on them recently are:
-Tomb raider
-Jurassic World
-Harry Potter
-Indiana Jones
-Lego Ninjago
-Assassins creed

Simultaneous Releases
Reasons why Simultaneous Releases are a good thing for films include: Profit Maximised, Familiarity, Extends the pleasure of the film and the game promotes the film, the film promotes the game.

Uses and gratification theory (Blumler & Katz)
-Entertainment: offers distraction from the world.
-Personal identity: helps us consider who we are; what ideas and values we identify with.
-Relationships: we find things we can share and discuss with others.
-Information: new information we want to know or take pleasure in knowing.

Wednesday the 13th of June 2018
Image result for the lego movie merchandise official uk video game

1) Entertainment - The Lego  Movie video game for some may be a way to get distracted from the world as gamers can sometimes spend hours at a time playing video games and completely forget about the world around them thanks to how immersive games today are.

2) Personal Identity - After the game establishes all of the main characters, gamers who play this may find themselves agreeing or disagreeing with certain character's choices and perhaps making their own choices along the way.

3) Relationships - After finishing this game, a gamer might suggest or discuss this video game with their other gamer friends or may ask for help when they get stuck on certain levels.


Exam style questions:
1) Explain TWO reasons why a film company would release a tie-in video game to a film.

 A reason why Warner brothers would release a simultaneous release such as the lego movie video game includes the fact that it maximises the profit which can lead to the company gaining more money from the film. Another reason is that after playing the video game, someone might want to go and see the film again, or vice versa, which again maximises the profit gained for the company. Synergy is another reason why Warner brothers would release a simultaneous release meaning that the film would advertise the video game and vice versa. 

One of the gratifications that the lego movie video game offers is entertainment and a way of getting distracted from the real world. I know that the lego movie video game does this because it is set in a fictional world with interesting and unique characters, I know this is shown in the cover because you can clearly see that the world is not real as everything is made of lego and every character seems unique and different in their design. 

Another gratification that the lego movie video game offers is the fact that you can relate to certain characters such as Emmet and Wildstyle. You can tell this on the cover of the game because Wildstyle looks like every rebel girl that you can think off and Emmet looks like your average guy.

The lego movie video game also gives out more information continuing on from the movie, you can tell this from the cover because almost every character in the movie is shown, suggesting that information on these characters may be given out in the video game.

Poster campaign
Denotations: Connotations:
-There is a person in an orange costume, It looks like a construction outfit. Maybe they are a construction worker.
-That person is holding a spanner, maybe building will be involved with this game.
-There is a girl, Maybe she falls involve with the guy or is one of the main characters.
-There is a man with a weird thing on his head, He looks angry.
-There is a person dressed in a black costume, He could either be the bad guy or is a superhero.


Friday 22nd June 2018
Put it all together
L/O:To explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively.

 First two will be shorter, second two will be longer.
first two will be general questions on film promotion techniques (second could be an explain why)
The longer questions will use the lego movie and are worth 10 marks each. (for longer questions use 2 or more examples)

Explain how an effective marketing campaign would exploit a range of media platforms.

An example of a successful media campaign exploiting a range of media platforms is the lego movie which was released in cinemas on 14th February 2014.The lego movie is known for being the first movie ever to transform an entire ad break into lego to advertise their film.During the ad break of dancing on ice (unfinished)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Trinity - well done
    - Good research
    - Good understanding of movie and characters
    - TA understood
    - U&G theory understood and linked to Lego movie
    - strong analysis

    - Marketing strategy needs more detail - make sure you link it to the different parts of the target audience
    - poster analysis not finished
