Friday, 12 January 2018

Friday the 12th of January 2018
Fake News
L/O: To explore the concept of fake news and how to spot it.

Fake News- False information used to shape your views or opinions or ideas. It is used to control and manipulate people!!!

Here are some examples of some fake news stories:
Already hearing the name Donald Trump rings alarm bells in anyone reading this' head as Donald Trump is known to be a part of hundreds upon hundreds if fake bows stories and even says himself that some news stories are 'Fake news'. However some poor people may believe this to be true as Donald Trump is famous for doing and saying some pretty ridiculous things. Either way this is too ridiculous to be real but also the ridiculous kind of thing Donald Trump would do, making it sound like it is real.

This is just there kinda creepy thing that would be shared on social media everywhere

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