Friday, 13 October 2017

Media institutions and audiences

Friday the 13th of October 2017

Media institutions and audiences
LO: to apply theoretical framework to media texts


Who makes what and for whom. The owners, companies and people to produce, distribute and govern media.

  • Film Company/ studios
  • TV Box office
  • Entertainment, sports and news company
  • Videogames, and consumer products.
  • Live theatre 
  • Animation Company
  • DC Comics

Big media companies like Disney and Time Warner have an advantage over small companies because unlike small companies which need to give part of their profit to other studios, they get the profit from the film almost ENTIRELY because they OWN everything they need to produce a film, for example Disney can make the soundtrack published as well as the advertising for a new film, then have it put in a cinema they own, which only leaves some things that need other companies to help with and take some of the profit away. Already they are making much more money over smaller companies who need to share out their profit in order to have their film seen.

It is important to know who owns the media companies we consume because certain people may have a bias towards one thing and only say/ make one statement about it (which may not actually be the truth) meaning if you only read say the sun you will believe that what they say is true no matter what it is.
May instantly make adults and elders who don't know about bias scared of any children they see on the street, when actually it could only be two teenagers who pushed a bin over last Tuesday!!

Media Audiences

The people who watch, read, listen to and interact with the media. Can be defined by:
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Interests
  • Lifestyle
  • Location/ Nationality
  • Class
  • Ethnicity
  • Sexuality
  • Job/ Income
I think the target audience for this film are:
  • men in their 20's because everyone on the poster are male and look around that age. The theme for the poster is an adult theme, being hungover.
  • People who enjoy comedy because the style of the poster makes it seem comical and funny.

Wednesday the 18th of October 2017

This poster is clearly directed towards the teen audience because the girls in the movie poster all around 18, they clearly look like they go to high school and the title is something that links to groups of girls you can find at any secondary or high school.

This is a movie poster clearly aimed at male audiences since the biggest photo on the poster is a man, and that everyone in the poster seem to be ready for some kind of battle with swords which are stereotypicaly male weapons.
Life is strange is a game that upon first glance could easily be described as a game for the female audience with a female main character who likes photography and goes to collage

1 comment:

  1. Well done Trinity.
    WWW - you've clearly understood the importance of Institutions and ownership
    NTT - think about age range as well as gender when identifying the TA
