Friday, 15 September 2017

Friday the 15th of September 2017

Photoshop introduction

L/o: To explore the basic features of photoshop.
Me as a zombie using photoshop
To the left was my first attempt of using photoshop on a photo of me. To the right is my second ate,pt of doing a zombie on the 20th of September 2017.

Www: The photo's i have chosen are clear and good quality which matches up to the photo I took well. I posed well which helped me to fit the photos on.

Next Time Target: To blend the colours of the photo together to help make it look more realistic and not like i had cut it out from a a magazine and stuck it onto my photo. Maybe add more to my face too.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Trinity - but it's a great first go!
    Next time, add more layers and use the hue and saturation adjustments to blend them with your face
