Friday, 29 September 2017

Photoshop Skills Task

Friday the 29th of September 2017

Photoshop Skills Task:

L/O: To explore and develop creative techniques in Photoshop

Task: To create a movie poster for a new horror film.

Information to include:

  • Title (normally at the bottom of the poster).
  • Release date or coming soon under the title.
  • Either names of the main actors (two or three) or the director at the top, normally if they are famous thanks to another movie.
  • Main image
  • The credit block at the very bottom
  • Famous tagline
My horror poster:
WWW: I have edited it well and the choice of horror font has worked well with the colour popped background.
NTT: I could include the credit block and the director who created it or actors who star in it, I could choose better colours for the poster title.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Creative Techniques in Photoshop

Friday the 22nd of September 2017

Creative Techniques in Photoshop

L/O: To explore and develop creative techniques in Photoshop

Colour Popping 

Gradient masks

Layer masks
Text clipping

Clipping masks 

Polar coordinates

Blend modes and filters

Friday, 15 September 2017

Friday the 15th of September 2017

Photoshop introduction

L/o: To explore the basic features of photoshop.
Me as a zombie using photoshop
To the left was my first attempt of using photoshop on a photo of me. To the right is my second ate,pt of doing a zombie on the 20th of September 2017.

Www: The photo's i have chosen are clear and good quality which matches up to the photo I took well. I posed well which helped me to fit the photos on.

Next Time Target: To blend the colours of the photo together to help make it look more realistic and not like i had cut it out from a a magazine and stuck it onto my photo. Maybe add more to my face too.

Friday, 8 September 2017

The Impact of Media

Friday the 8th of September
L/O: To discuss what media is and how it impacts our lives

 Definition of Media: "The main means of mass communication"

Types of Media:

  • Apps
  • Films
  • Social media like Facebook
  • Video games
  • Tv shows
  • Magasines
  • Newspapers
  • Websites
  • Podcasts
  • Radio
  • Advertisement
  • Email
  • Ebooks
The main purpose of ALL media is to make money.

Media Influence

The media influences you by only showing a certain opinion on things like politics and fashion which will make you dress a certain way or act a certain way. They usually only show the bad in the news and newspapers because bad things sell and good things don't. This is powerful because it means everyone has a certain opinion CREATED for them instead of making their own unless they look at more positive things. Because of this the elderly may have a negative opinion on Homosexuals and other types of 'new' relationships that are occurring today. This is also because of newspapers broadcasting only the bad about two men or women marrying. Some Media is good though, because it is more honest and will spread good messages around like loving all religion. For an example on websites like Tumblr posts about equal rights are everywhere meaning the younger generation will be more positive about some things. A game like this has been created where you take photos of things and people in the game act that way Until they end up killing each other over one photo taken. This game is called 'we become what we behold'.


L/O: To identify how a media text targets a specific audience.
Image result for pad advertisement for teensthis is obviously a teenager poster because its about a problem that girls have as they go through puberty. 
Movie trailer for female adults
I think this movie poster is aimed at female adults because for one the women in the photo are all older and the theme seems to be about marriage problems, it could be a comedy chick flick that women might enjoy watching with their friends.
Image result for call of duty poster
Game poster for teenage boys.
I think this game is aimed at teenage boys because it has guns and a war like theme to it, which the media says is what boys like at that age. The man looks older and it looks like a shooter game.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

My GSCE Media Blog

Welcome to my Media Blog

Me & Media

My favourite:
Films:  The Friday the 13th series, Beauty and the Beast, Moana (I have too many to name)
Tv Shows: One Punch Man, Dragon Ball Z, Card Captor sakura, Naruto , Tokyo Ghoul, Attack on titan, Cake boss, (to name a few)
Video Games: Undertale, Friday the 13th the game, Harvest Moon, Long Live the Queen, Potal one and two, Left 4 dead, Half Life franchise(still more left unsaid)
Magazines: Teen Breathe
Radio: Heart, Pirate FM
Newspapers: The Sun
Social Networks: Youtube, Tumblr, wattpad,Facebook