Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Western Poster DIRT

Wednesday the 22nd of November 2017

Western Poster DIRT

To improve my movie poster I could think about the placement of my text by moving the Title down to the  bottom of the page, however it may cover up part of the main photo. This could cause an issue but perhaps by moving the main image up I could make it work well. I think I should make the Title bolder and not gradient because it blends into the background too much. So perhaps having  it a solid colour may help to fix my poster. I could add a review to my movie perhaps to add to the realism.

Friday, 17 November 2017

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Media Language- Camerawork

Wednesday the 8th of November 2017

Media Language- Camerawork 
L/O: to explore different camera shots, angles and movements and why they might be used

Camera work covers 4 areas:
Shot size:

point of view shot:
Over the shoulder shot: They are normally used in moving images to show conversation
Birdseye view or an aerial view:
Establishing shot`: They are always at the beginning of the scene of a movie to show the setting . Usually a ELS, LS, WS, BEV

Close up: It was used to show who the character was played by in the film, that is why it is a close up on their face so that you know who their character is.

Long shot: This is to show off the backgrounds in this movie perhaps and top show a journey that is occurring in the scene perhaps. Or maybe to add tension nearer the end of the trailer.

Mid shot: This is to show that he is the main character of the film and that something serious could be going on in the film.

Camera Angles:
Low and high Angle shot. Low could show strength power and size. A high Angle shot shows weakness and vulnerability.

High Angle Shot:

Low Angle Shot:

Canted Angle/ Tilt: They are used to show either something not being right, or to show movement. 

Low Angle:

Camera Movement:
Track- Camera moves completely to the left or right following a character
Pan- Camera pivots left or right 
Tilt- Camera pivots up or down
Crane- Camera moves up or down 
Dolly- camera moves in/ out from subject
Zoom- Camera zooms in and out of a subject

Depth of field: Depth of field means which part of the picture is in focus. 
Deep focus = Everything is in focus
Shallow Focus= Only one thing is in focus used to direct the audiences attention.   
Focus Pull- when the shot stays the same but the focus changes

Shallow focus

Deep focus